I call my blog The Skiespalace because it have a sense of imagination.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(17)

Chapter 17: The Feast
After the tiring day, there was a big feast arranged for the students. There was chicken, fizzy drinks, and loads of other food. Thinking about it, I was worried that the Eye would turn up because all the other students are here and I am his target. I did not eat much even if I really want too. Jonathan did not eat much too; he and I had the same thinking. “Hey, do you think that the Eye would turn up today, I mean there is a feast and we didn't eat any of it much.” Jonathan said with a smile on his face. “Well, if you want to eat you can, nobody is stopping you, I am going to keep watch for the Eye just in case.” I said, even if I was hungry, I do not want the Eye to lay his hands on me. Nothing turn up. I went to take a bite since my stomach was rumbling. Unexpectedly, the Eye turned up, I guess it is fighting time and eating time must wait. Then to my amazement everybody was ready with their wands. Had I known, the others were eating and getting ready for the Eye. I had no strength to fight the Eye. “Where is the girl?” the Eye asked with a cunning smile. I hid behind everybody and started eating all the leftovers on the table and I mean all, they all taste so good that even if you want me to eat it in one gulp, I would do it as long as I have my energy back. I feel energetic again thanks to the food. I took out my wand, “I am here you fool...” I am ready for anything, except for another serving of food since I am bloated. He murmured something out of his mouth. I knew he was chanting something because I went towards him; he was making me walk towards him so that he can get his hands on me! And that was the most stupid idea I have ever heard. I pulled out some ear plugs from under my coat. And that was the best idea I have ever had, but thinking about it, all my idea was the best so another job well done for me. The Eye said something again. This time my ear plugs flew out, maybe he was prepared.

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(16)

Chapter 16: The Monster Field

In the morning,the teacher brought us to a field. It was clean, maybe we are here for a picnic, then the teacher must be in a good mood today. The teacher announced “We must be ready for the Eye; he might turn up any minute or anytime.” Then somebody shouted, “Then you are giving us a break so that we can have more energy to fight?” “No, the school calls this a Monster Field. We are going to train in this field.” He said in a calm voice. “Lets see who will show us some skills that he or she has, the first person is...Marina!!” he explained that I must run around the field, collect the big boxes in every corner and bash up the monsters that get in my way.

Now I understand why this is called Monster Field. I set off, I reached the first box and suddenly a freak with eight legs wrapped his tentacles around me. I hit him with the box that is in my hand. I must admit that the box is of use. I kept on running towards the second box. I've got it! Then a guy with a hammer came towards me, I gave a kick and score! He is down in two pieces. I was close to the third box when I realized that I do not have anymore hands to carry it. I remembered a spell that can give you extra hands. I murmured, “Godienta!” extra hands came out and scoop, I've got the third one. I was running towards the fourth box when another freakish monster came up. “Out of the way, you freak!!” and that is when I realized that the extra hands come in handy too, I gave the freak an upper-cut and bull's-eye. I grabbed the fourth box and dropped to the floor. You think it may be fun beating up monsters and taking boxes but I got to tell you that this is no joke, it is very tiring. “Not bad, done in three minutes. Bravo!!?” nobody could beat my high score, not even Jonathan, it was very surprising.

The Monster Field

Chapter 15: It Was Not Melissa He Was After

I am I all dressed up for the party, I brought my wand along too. Jonathan said that he would pick me up so that he would be the first to see how pretty I am before anyone can, he was such a flatterer. Soon, he picked me up in a limo. “You look ravishing...” he said while drooling. “Why did you bring your wand along?” he asked in a curious voice. I had no choice but to tell him all about the prophecy and why I brought my wand along. Until I realized that he had brought his wand along too!!!!!! “Where were you when I went to Mother Willow? Were you following me?” I asked, I was really like a volcano about to explode and burst the little ice cube sitting next to me. “Well... actually I did follow you to see what you want to talk to Mother Willow about, but the good thing is that we can fight together as a team, don't be angry.” He gave me a pitiful face, still I decided to let him of since he has a point and he is my boyfriend.
We went into the ballroom without letting people see our wands. Then suddenly I saw a guy who was familiar but he was not a student of Magic Illusion, I was sure about that. Jonathan saw him too and agreed with me. He went over and talked to the boy. I could hear them talking about boys. Then I realized the boy had a wand too, he looks like targeting somebody because his wand was working. Then I remembered that he looked exactly like the Eye except in human form. “Jonathan, look out!!” the Eye glared at me and he spoke in a soft and dangerous voice, “Little girl, I suppose I can tell you something now, I am not after your stupid friend, Melissa...” then suddenly Melissa shouted, “Hey! Who you calling stupid here!!!! When did I offend you? What is the problem with you man???” “Shut up! As I was saying, I am not after your friend, I am after you...” “But why did you try to harm Melissa?” I am extremely confused. “Oh. That, which was to let you come to me. I am a genius you know.” He said with a proud voice. “Well, if you are such a genius then you do not mind a fight, do you?” I said with a grin. We were at each other’s throat. To bad it only last for maybe, 5 seconds? The principal used a shot of magic and the Eye was unable to move. But in a blink of an eye, he was gone.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(14)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 14:

The prophecy

"Mother Willow!" I cried.

"I am here." She groaned in an old voice.

I told everything to her. She had a sad expression on her face. I wonder what the problem is.

"What's the problem Mother Willow, are you feeling well, is anything the problem." I asked in a curios voice hoping to have an answer.

"You do not know the prophecy do you?The prophecy is said that the best friend of a magician's daughter will have to sacrifice her life to pay for the magician's daughter sins…" I did not done anything bad so why should Melissa sacrifice her life for me?

The problem is solved but something on Mother Willow's face tells me that it was not solved.

"On the day of the ball, the eye will come back and get Melissa, he is also known as your mother's very first enemy and the first villain she ever fought."

I am totally shocked by the words of Mother Willow and I could not believe that she could be still laughing.

When I got home the first thing I did was to take out my spell book and revise so I could be ready for the eye tomorrow, something tells me that it will be a big hit.

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(13)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 13:
On Cloud 9

I don't believe it!

Tomorrow was the dance and I get to dance with my so called boyfriend, I am so excited. We practiced just one more time.

The teacher said that we were the best partner in the whole class. When it was time for the break I went up to the cute guy, "Umm…I do not know your name but of course I told you before when we were…"

"Ohh…I my name is Jonathan." Oh my god, he has a cute face and a cute name too, I thought to myself. I knew I was simply on cloud 9. I am so lucky, and it struck me, I've decided to see Mother Willow.

Monday, August 13, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(12)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 12:
I Was Wrong

That day, I was walking my way home, I was thinking of what happened, how could he be my dance partner? My mind has a thousand of questions to ask Mother Willow.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

I was not really surprised, because I heard footsteps following me around all the time. I turned around, and guess what I saw, the hooted boy who I talk to today.

"Do I know you?" I answered, I want to let him fell how it is to have a remark like that.

"The stupid guy who shoots at you today or who you have talked to don't you remember? Oh I forgot, you don't or why would you ask me? You must be aging, I think you are suffering from memory loss because it just happened today." He scoffed. Then he just walks away as if nothing has ever happen.

"Hey, wait up!" I cried, rushing over to him. " Why do you keep following me, I mean your house is not around here is it?" I asked hoping it was a no answer.

"Don't worry, I will be a good neighbor from now on if that's what you are worrying about."

As he patted my shoulders. And then I remembered that our old neighbor has move out, so I knew that someone is somehow going to move in here because it is peaceful and real quiet around here.

I knew I was doomed because mum is surely to make a cake for the new neighbors and I will be the one who will deliver it. Then suddenly he came running out.

"Alright, you must keep this a secret, and please do not say that I am joking, it needs a lot of courage for a boy to do this."

I thought that he was nuts, he was like about to express his love for me, but that would not ever happen in my whole life.

"I like you Marina. Do you know that?" he asked me. I could hardly believe my ears. "But why me, why not the other girls?" I asked.

"Well, every girl in the school wants to be my girl, so they keep acting sexy all around me, but you are different. You did not do that, I saw your true colors, you hate me for who I am, but the other girls, they may fall for another hot dude and they may dump me, so now you know why I like you don't tell the others at school." Then he walked to his door.

"But why do you get all those mean remarks you said to me?" I shouted.

He slowly walks towards me, "Everyone expect me to be like that, and if I don't use that on you, people will know that I like you. Anyway, goodnight." After finishing that sentence, he kisses me on the forehead. He then walked away and disappeared.

Maybe he is not that bad after all I thought and maybe I was wrong about him. Oh yeah, I am really wrong this time.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(11)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 11:
The Dance Partner

I was at the lunch table with Melissa, she totally look different after the incident.

“Did you remember what happen to you?” I doubt she would.

“Well, I was walking when something came up to me, and then the next thing I remember I was talking to you.” Her answer was not the actual thing I wanted but still I can't blame her since today she has an unlucky day.

“Then you have no idea what you look like. And if you knew I am sure for a brave girl like you would even ask how it happened.” I could see she that even she was frightened to hear what I said.

“Let us go back to the classroom.” I said to her.

The teacher was announcing there was a ball this coming Thursday for the students and teachers. “All of you will have a partner, the school will be choosing your partner for you, no choosing is allowed. What you have is what you have, like a brother, after all, he is your brother. I will read your partners to you, I will not repeat. I will teach you how to dance our school traditional dance.” She grinned while saying that.

She read out our names one by one. When she read out our names we must stand up face to face with our so called partners and dance in front of the whole class. (This was really embarrassing when you do not know how to dance.) I was the last one to be called. I saw my partner and was horrified, he was the guy who I called stupid that day.

I danced with him and felt really good, he was a talented dancer, and I felt that I like him more and more taking each step to dance.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(10)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 10:

The Eye

I rushed to the hallway.

"Nothing must happen to you, Melissa, or I will never forgive myself!!!" I thought to myself.

I was just in time, Melissa was about to slash the knife into her neck when I jumped into the air and snatch the knife away.

Melissa glared at me, "Give the knife back!!!!" she somehow has turn into something I cannot imagine.

"Get a hold on yourself, Melissa!" I shouted as if I thought she was deaf.

Suddenly, a shot of light came running towards me, I ducked and it hit Melissa. I think it was a sort spell because something came out of Melissa's body like it actually took over Melissa. It looks like an eye because of the shape.

"You will pay, all of you! Remember, I will take over and that is the last thing I do! "it shouted. Then it totally disappeared.

I was still curios who would be so stupid to shoot someone who is not the target and shoot at it. If I have not duck, I can't imagine what will happen to me. I turned my head and saw the cutest guy I have ever seen. I thought to myself, maybe he was trying to save me, or was he?

I walked up to him, "Hi, my name is Marina, it is very nice to meet you."

"Do I know you?" he questioned me. Right at that time, I saw his real inside, a total jerk. How could I believe he would try to save me from the evil spirit?

"Well, who would be so stupid to shoot someone who did not do anything to you, I am not the target you were trying to shoot it was Melissa. Anyway, talking to people like you will never make a difference!"

I walk away as if I was acting those kind of Korean shows (in the love movies) when the most romantic part comes and the girl would walk away. But still, I can't believe I just said that to a cute and stupid guy.

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(9)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 9:

The Willow Tree

There was a willow tree in the school garden. It was told that it can answer all your question if you believe in it. I decided to try my luck, I need someone to talk to, and I know I can always talk to Melissa but this I can't.

"I am destined to be here in this school Mother Willow?"

"This I cannot say, you have your own path to follow." She whispered to me.

I was not surprised but a little. "Thank you, Mother Willow." I went to the cafeteria and thought about what Mother Willow said.

"What does she mean?"I said to myself.

Just as I was about to go to the classroom I heard someone calling my name, as I turned around, I saw the principle. I wonder why she is calling my name.

"What is it principle Jenkins?" I asked.

"Melissa is trying to kill herself!"

MAGIC ILLUSION: the monster field(8)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 8:
The First Training

The first training we must have is Remembering The Spells By Heart.

The training master gave us pieces of paper with some writing on it. We have 20 seconds to remember it by heart. Then he will give us each a blank sheet of paper and we will write the spells on it. One word less or one word spelt wrongly you have to do 100 push-ups reciting the spell over and over again.

In front of the whole class which is really embarrassing. Luckily, I was able to get through it easily. Then it struck me, I was able to get it through easily but thinking of yesterday I was not even close to it.

Maybe I am destined to be a magician and I will work really hard on it.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(7)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 7:
The 'F's & 'E's

The next morning, I woke up before my mum did.

I was feeling really good. Oh, did I tell you about my 'F's & 'E's? Of course I didn't.

'F's in my language is 'Friends'. Her name is Malisa. Sometimes the teacher gets really confused and calls me A and calls Melissa B, and the whole class just laughs. Even I find it funny, anyway, I think you are wondering what does the 'E's means. It means 'Enemies'.

I have 1 friend and 1 enemy. My so called enemy name is Brilliant (as if she is) She was really beautiful but evil. I was happy because she was not really adored by people even if it was boys. Melissa once told me on Brilliant's first date, she scold her date for sneezing into her food.

From that day onwards, she had to go for blind dates.

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(6)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 6:
Friday 13th

When I was taking a bath, I wondered what date was it today. I dried my hair and went over to the calendar "Friday…" I said to myself.

I stare in amazement, today was actually the Friday 13th. Could this be related to all the bad lucks? I wondered. If this was related then maybe tomorrow will be a better day for me.

I felt better thinking more about it. I slept in peace that very night.

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(5)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 5:
Home Sweet Home

Finally, what I always wanted for, we get to go home. Phew, I thought my mum is just going to abandon me in this crazy school.

By the time I reach home, it was time for dinner. I was famished and forgotten all about the crazy school.

“How is your day today dear?”

I thought of what to say, I knew I was no good in lying but I had no choice.

“GREAT!!!!!” I shouted. I was nervous and perspiring all over. I hope that she won't find out that I'm lying. But it was all so obvious that I'm lying.

“I need to rest, I will skip dinner, you go ahead.” I was depressed and sorry for lying to my mum. “I'm sorry mum…” I whispered to myself.

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(4)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 4:

Something Good about This School

I am back from the toilet.

Alright, I told you that I will tell you about the 'teleplaces' right? Well, a 'teleplaces' is something very magical, something very special. It will teleport you from a place to another. That's why it is called 'teleplaces'.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(3)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 3:

Sloppy Joe Day

Today was an unlucky day for me.

The first day of school and I have Sloppy Joe Day. The lump of disgusting food is piled on my plate. I took a bite of it and almost puke out my breakfast I had this morning in my house. (If I ate my breakfast in this school, I would puke my dinner.)

But there's only something good about this school is that there's somehow something called a 'teleplaces'. I will tell you more about it later, cause I need to go to the toilet.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(2)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 2:

The New Teacher

"Ring… Ring…"Went the school bells.

We were ordered to go to the hall for introducing ourselves. Unlucky me, I was the first one who was chosen to introduce myself.

"My name is Marina, I…I…" Thinking of what to say as I murmured.

"I hope to meet all of you." I turned red, I knew what I just said is stupid but all I could think of is that sentence.

As I sat down, the teacher came towards me and hollered at the top of his voice. "If you are going to talk like that in my class, you get out! Repeat what you say again and I may forgive you."

"My name is Marina, I hope to meet all of you."

"That was a stupid sentence."

"I know." I stammered.

Then he shouted "NEXT!"

MAGIC ILLUSION:The Monster Field(1)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 1:
Studying In a Magic School

Hi, my name is Marina. I live in a big, big house.

I know it's kind of weird but my mother is a magician. She wants me to become a magician too, so I was forced to go to a magic school.

The school's name is Magic Illusion. Today was the starting of the school year. She told me that whenever I learn a spell or anything that was related to magic I must practice it out for her to see.

I knew it would be a hard year studying in a magic school. After all I am a human being.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Big Fat Giant

The Big Fat Giant

There was once a big fat giant called Fatty. He lives in the mountains with his mother.(the story of his late father is rather sad, so you might not want to hear it)Fatty was always getting into trouble, once, he was walking past a choked man. He tried to put his hands inside the poor man’s throat. He did caught hold of the thing (whatever it is) but his hands were stuck inside the poor man’s throat. And even if he took out his hands, he sent the man to heaven.

One sunny morning, Fatty’s mother was out to buy some groceries. Fatty was left all alone in his house doing nothing but looking at those happy children out side playing happily. “I wish I could play with them” signed Fatty. He knew all the things that he only knows how to do well was creating trouble, trouble and trouble. Out of a sudden, a sweet voice came talking to him. “Dear Fatty, I know you have live in a life full of misery, if you fulfill the things I want you to do, I promise I will give you a life full of happiness.

Fatty was told to slaughter any dragon which comes trembling down the road. The next day, sure enough that there was a dragon trembling down the road. Hundreds of people were screaming as if there was no tomorrow. Fatty knew what he needs to do. He fought bravely with the dragon. In the end, he slaughtered the dragon.

The next day, there were celebrations held. When Fatty steps out of his cottage, everybody shouted “Here’s the giant who slaughtered the dragon!” And the crowd goes wild. They gave Fatty a golden cup. Everybody claims that Fatty is the hero. Suddenly, a very familiar voice spoke to him “See, I you told there would be happiness.” When the giant look up, he saw a fairy flying towards the sky. “Thank you.”