I call my blog The Skiespalace because it have a sense of imagination.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(14)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 14:

The prophecy

"Mother Willow!" I cried.

"I am here." She groaned in an old voice.

I told everything to her. She had a sad expression on her face. I wonder what the problem is.

"What's the problem Mother Willow, are you feeling well, is anything the problem." I asked in a curios voice hoping to have an answer.

"You do not know the prophecy do you?The prophecy is said that the best friend of a magician's daughter will have to sacrifice her life to pay for the magician's daughter sins…" I did not done anything bad so why should Melissa sacrifice her life for me?

The problem is solved but something on Mother Willow's face tells me that it was not solved.

"On the day of the ball, the eye will come back and get Melissa, he is also known as your mother's very first enemy and the first villain she ever fought."

I am totally shocked by the words of Mother Willow and I could not believe that she could be still laughing.

When I got home the first thing I did was to take out my spell book and revise so I could be ready for the eye tomorrow, something tells me that it will be a big hit.

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field(13)

MAGIC ILLUSION: The Monster Field

Chapter 13:
On Cloud 9

I don't believe it!

Tomorrow was the dance and I get to dance with my so called boyfriend, I am so excited. We practiced just one more time.

The teacher said that we were the best partner in the whole class. When it was time for the break I went up to the cute guy, "Umm…I do not know your name but of course I told you before when we were…"

"Ohh…I my name is Jonathan." Oh my god, he has a cute face and a cute name too, I thought to myself. I knew I was simply on cloud 9. I am so lucky, and it struck me, I've decided to see Mother Willow.